
Welcome to my Site.

If you have any questions, please check the FAQ section for more help.

If you question is important you you and is not there, feel free to send me a message on youtube or email me.

My VoiceActors

Please remember to have your lines in on time. I understand if there is a problem, but please don’t hold it off because of laziness. I really would like to got things out on time and I cannot do that if I do not have my lines in.

If you would like to comment, please go to my "Machinima" Page.

Also, please feel free to sign my guestbook. It is very much appretiated. 

 I have a few questions. So if any of you have the answer, please tell me Thank you ^_^

  1. Where can I download a reflective floor hack?
  2. What kind of Mic. should I buy (My old one broke) I want a really good one. But it has to be under $25?

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