I have Most of my machinima creations on my YouTube page. I also Have a few here, and on imeem. when I started I wasn't good at all. I had all the same questions you had.

The Cycle

When you ask, you get answers. When you get answers, you get better. When you get better, you get more subscribers. When you get more Subscribers, you make a webpage to help people repeat this cyle.

Improvement & Help

 I love to help people improve their videos. I Still love to improve my own videos. I continue to impress myself with knowledge of this incredible game.

If you are a new Sims 2 Machinima Creator, and you have a question, simple or complex, please, feel free to check the FAQ. If your question is not there, Submit it below with contactinformation. If you do not give me contact information, I cannot answer your question, therefore I won't be able to help you.


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